Rusillo Magdaleno, A., Suárez Manzano, S., Solas Martínez, J. L., & Ruiz Ariza, A. (2023). Asociación de un bajo nivel de condición física con el exceso de peso en adolescentes. Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, 47, 729-737
Ruiz-Ariza, A., López-Serrano, S., Suárez-Manzano, S., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2023). Integrating cognitive contents in Physical Education classes: effects on cognitive variables and emotional intelligence. Kinesiology, 55(1), 95-107.
Cámara-Martínez, A., Ruiz-Ariza, A., Suárez-Manzano, S., Cruz-Cantero, R. M., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2023). Effect of an Integrated Active Lessons Programme through Playful Maths Games on Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Social Skills in Preschool Children. Behavioral Sciences, 13(3), 260.
Suárez-Manzano, S., Magdaleno, A. R., Martínez, J. L. S., & Loureiro, V. (2023). Asociación de la fuerza muscular con atención, comportamiento hiperactivo-desatento, cálculo matemático y razonamiento lingüístico en escolares diagnosticados TDAH. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 47, 753-760.
Ruiz-Ariza, A., Suárez-Manzano, S., Mezcua-Hidalgo, A., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2022). Effect of an 8-week programme of active breaks between classes on cognitive variables in secondary school. Educational Studies, 1-19.
Cámara-Martínez, A., Suárez-Manzano, S., Martínez-López, E. J., & Ruiz-Ariza, A. (2022). Effect of an integrated active-lessons programme on vocabulary and narrative comprehension in pre-school children. South African Journal of Education, 42(1).
Martínez-López, E. J., López-Serrano, S., De La Torre-Cruz, M., & Ruiz-Ariza, A. (2022). Effects of the augmented reality game Pokémon GO on fitness and fatness in secondary school students. Health Education Journal, 81(1), 54-68.
- López-Serrano, S., Ruiz-Ariza, A., De la Torre-Cruz, M.J., & Martínez-López, E.J. (2021). Improving cognition through exergames in school-children and adolescents. A systematic review and practical guide. South African Journal of Education. In press
- Martínez-López, E. J., Ruiz-Ariza, A., de la Torre-Cruz, M., & Suárez-Manzano, S. (2020). Alternatives of physical activity within school times and effects on cognition. A systematic review and educational practical guide. Psicología Educativa. Ahead of print.
- Martínez-López, E. J., Redecillas-Peiró, M. T., De la Torre-Cruz, M. J., López-Serrano, S., & Ruiz-Ariza, A. (2020). Cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight young boys and girls is underestimated due to less perceived exertion. Medicina dello Sport, 73(1), 53-69.
- De la Torre-Cruz, M. J., Suárez-Manzano, S., López-Serrano, S., & Ruiz-Ariza, A. (2020). Perceived physical fitness mediates the relationship between parental support and physical activity enjoyment in overweight and obese adolescents. Health Education Research.
- De la Torre-Cruz, M. J., López-Serrano, S., Ruiz-Ariza, A., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2019). Perceived parental support toward physical activity positively predicts physical self-concept in young adolescents. Educational Psychology, 39(7), 941-959.
- Ruiz-Ariza, A., Manuel, J., Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, K., Tamminen, N., & Martínez-López, E. J. Does physical fitness and parenting transformational style predict happiness and wellbeing and distress in adolescents?. Retos, 38(38), 626-631.
- De la Torre-Cruz M. J., Ruiz-Ariza, A., Suárez-Manzano, S., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2019). Apoyo Parental Percibido y Motivación Adolescente hacia la Actividad Física. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 28(1), 51.
- Suarez-Manzano, S.; Ruiz-Ariza, A.; De la Torre-Cruz, M.J.; Martínez López, E.J. (2018) Acute and chronic effect of physical activity on cognition and behaviour in young people with ADHD: A systematic review of intervention studies, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 77, 12-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2018.03.015
- Ruiz-Ariza, A., Suárez-Manzano, S., López-Serrano, S., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2018). The effect of cooperative high-intensity interval training on creativity and emotional intelligence in secondary school: A randomised controlled trial. European Physical Education Review, 25(2), 355-373.
- Martínez-López, E. J., De La Torre-Cruz, M. J., Suárez-Manzano, S., & Ruiz-Ariza, A. (2018). Analysis of the Effect Size of Overweight in Muscular Strength Tests Among Adolescents: Reference Values According to Sex, Age, and Body Mass Index. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(5), 1404–1414.
- Ruiz-Ariza, A., Casuso, R. A., Suárez-Manzano, S., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2018). Effect of augmented reality game Pokémon GO on cognitive performance and emotional intelligence in adolescent young. Computers & Education, 116, 49–63.
- Ruiz-Ariza, A., Grao-Cruces, A., de Loureiro, N. E. M., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2017). Influence of physical fitness on cognitive and academic performance in adolescents: A systematic review from 2005–2015. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10(1), 108–133.
- De la Torre-Cruz, M. J., Ruiz-Ariza, A., Ocaña-Expósito, S., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2017). Goal Orientation Profiles and Their Relation with Indicators of Physical Activity. Universitas Psychologica, 16(3), 1-12.
- Martínez-López, E.J., Zamora, N., Grao-Cruces, A., & De la Torre-Cruz, M. (2017). The Association between Spanish Physical Education Teachers’ Self-efficacy Expectations and their Attitudes towards Overweight and Obese Students. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 36(2), 220-231.
- Ruiz-Ariza, A., Ruiz, J., De la Torre-Cruz, M., Latorre-Román, P., & Martínez-López, E. J. (2016). Influence of level of attraction to physical activity on academic performance of adolescents. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 48(1), 42–50.
- Grao-Cruces, A., Ruiz-López, R., Moral-García, J.E., Ruiz-Ariza, A., & Martínez-López EJ. (2016). Effcts of a steps/day programme with evaluation in physical educatioin on body masll index in 11 to 12 year-old School children. Kinessiology. 48(1), 132-141.
- Martínez-López, EJ; Hita-Contreras, F; Moral-García JE; Grao-Cruces, A; Ruiz-Ruiz, J; Redecillas-Peiró, MT; Martínez-Amat, A. (2016). Association of low weekly physical activity and sedentary lifestyle with self-perceived health, pain, and well-being in a Spanish teenage population. Science & Sport. 30, 342-351.
- De la Torre Cruz, M., Ruiz-Ariza, A., López-García, M. D., & Martínez-López, E.J. (2015). Differential Effect of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Style on Teenagers’ Physical Self-concept. Revista de Educación, 369, 59-84.
- Martínez-López, E.J., López-Leiva, F., Moral-García, J.E., y De La Torre-Cruz, M.J. (2014). Estilos educativos familiares e indicadores de actividad física en niños y adolescentes. Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 22(1), 95-113.
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- Martínez-López, EJ; Zagalaz-Sánchez, ML; Ramos Álvarez, M; De la Torre-Cruz, M. (2010). Self-efficacy expectations in teacher trainees and the perceived role os schools and their physical education department in the educational treatment of overweight students. European Physical Education Review. Vol. 16 (3): 251-266.