Last September 28th it was celebrated the European Night of the Investigators, an event organized to European level and the University of Jaen was present as in the previous years. In this occasion, one possessed the presence of more than 8.000 assistants during the day.
The Group AFAES, took part with a workshop in The Corte Inglés square, where assistants carried out different activities for the children and parents showing the importance of avoiding sedentary conducts and of taking a healthy way of life. On the other hand, in Antigua Escuela de Magisterio, we give a qualified Micromeeting: “digital Technology to promote and to evaluate the physical activity in students and teenagers “, where the assistants could know and take part in new didactic experiences.
Finally, to give thanks to the student body of the Máster in Investigation and Teaching in Sciences of the Physical Activity and the Health, and of the Degree in Primary Education of the University of Jaen that collaborated of way lost interest in the putting in scene of the workshop, making possible that was the whole success for the assistants.