Different mass medias realize for the Group AFAES, led by Emilio J. Martínez Lopez, carrying out a review in which they have studied the effect of the physical activity on the cognition and the behavior in children and teenagers diagnosed with Deficit of Attention and Hyperactivity (TDAH).
The article, titled ‘ Acute and chronic effect of physical activity on cognition and behaviour in young people with ADHD: To systematic review of intervention studies ‘, it has been published in the international magazine ‘ Research in Developmental Disabilities ‘. According to the investigator Sara Suarez Manzano, the first authoress of this article, the most out-standing findings are that an hour of physical daily activity, besides the benefits already known in the health and the physical condition, can improve the cognitive performance and the behavior in young women with difficulties of learning
The results show besides the fact that a program of physical activity due planned with a minimal duration of five weeks (3-5 meetings per week), to medium length term , it increases the cerebral activity, it improves the executive functions, beside favoring the behavior towards the learning of the diagnosed students TDAH, and consistently they improve the academic results.